Student's Recrutment Portal DBATU

Co Founded By Yash Doshi.

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Our Activities.

  • Conducted mock interview in 2022.

  • Students placed in 86+ Companies in 2022.

  • Had a conferance with Mr. Deepak Kesarkar.

  • Conducted online seminar with aluinies.

What is our vision?

To deliver an opportunity to Students.

Give our students a brighter opportunity.

To create a healthy compitition among students.

About us.

Student's Recrutment Portal of DBATU is formed for providing better opportunities to our students. So far this portal has helped many students to get their dream job. Vaious companies actively post their vacancies in our portal. Some of the companies include Google, Amazon, Facebook, and many more. This portal was created by two of our every proud students Mr. Yash Doshi.


Photos of University and associated members