YD's club

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Our Activities.

List of manoeuvres.:
  • Games
  • volentiring
  • Brain Zone
  • Gym Games
  • Community Helpers
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Take A Challange

Who is YD's Club owner?

Yash Doshi

Mr. X

Miss. Z

Our Departments.

Have a look at our prestigious departments.
  • Game zone -- If you like playing online games.
  • volentiring zone -- Volentiring is one of our biggest groups
  • Brain Zone -- It includes puzzles and other brainstorming quizes.
  • Gym Zone -- We have Bodybuilding Lessions and comititions here.
  • Community Helpers zone -- Similar to volentiring but also include financial help.
  • Art zone -- If you like drawing, sculpting, animation, etc.
  • Dance zone -- We have monthly dance contests with amazing prizes!
  • Take A Challange zone -- We deal with real-world challanges, the winner gets prizes!


Photos of Club location and club members

About Us


Yash Doshi

CEO & Founder

Student of DBATU. computer-2nd year.


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